***************** begin 7/19/23 notes ***************
Research papers
I’d like to send out an email to a small group
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black box that says ‘Text’ below > click gear > at end click green ‘check mark’ > and on right side bottom ‘Update’
List of Event Registrants
this is Strip and Registration Forms (Gravity Forms) working together. Done and working 3/29/23
3/14/2023 InMotion is the registrar for both domains and hosts both sites. One site is an add-on site to the other, so they share one cPanel
IONOS is not longer the Host or Registrar – just InMotion. Ionos a/c 2072019 (acup) account inactive, 19715… (chc) no domains
3/29/23 – Scott will jump through email list
Have access to and will export the contacts to get only one email manager
Now working – ask them what they recommend for a cleaning service – also ask MailChimp what cleaning service they recommend
3/289/23 note Now that Stripe is set up, we don’t need this at all We are going to make an even on the web site and put a registration form on it This is the Plugin I suggested as an alternative to EventPrime. https://theeventscalendar.com/products/wordpress-events-calendar/ It’s not as free as I’d remembered. $99/year for the pro version
Then there’s the ticketing add-on https://theeventscalendar.com/products/wordpress-event-tickets/ $99
And if you want to schedule emails to participants, there’s https://theeventscalendar.com/products/promoter $89
There is a bundle which includes all three. $229/yr.
https://time.ly/solutions/event-registration-software/ is another option. I have a meeting with them tomorrow to learn about pricing.
because I want to sell some injectables, Scott will link the Stripe to the WooCommerce. To sell things at the event. then I need a Square – go to the bank and figure this out. 3/29/23 note – Sue will go to bank and talk to them about square and getting stuff on QB online.
Event Booking
3/29/23 note – I don’t need this or Event Prime ore Metagauss – these are for large events. https ://acupuncturecontinuinged.com/booking-details-2/ isn’t working
3/29/23 sent this email through the Metagauss website. Invoice ID = 193039
I no longer want to have the credit card associated with this account. This was originally set up by Brett Aronowitz whose email address is brettha@mac.com but I am no longer dealing with her. How do I disconnect my credit care from this account. I do not have the log-in to connect to this account
https ://acupuncturecontinuinged.com/book-now/ is empty
https ://acupuncturecontinuinged.com/events/ has two events using shortcodes such as [e m_event id= “1071”]
I see this [em] shortcode is part of Event Prime by Metagauss. I saw something on your computer about renewing something by Metagauss, this must be the plugin.
Feb. Event
Here’s the event page https://acupuncturecontinuinged.com/events/24-hr-certification-course/
and the WooCommerce page https://acupuncturecontinuinged.com/product/point-injection-therapy-24-pda-nccaom-approved-course/